Welcome To
NIMS Hospital
NIMS Hospital (Run by Noor Institute of Medical Specialties (P) Ltd) is situated at Wandoor, in a 4.5 acre sprawling land having with 2,50,000sqft built up area. Hospital started functioning with an emblem ‘Light for Life’ and motto ‘Care for Cure / Comfort with sticking to our vision of quality health care at affordable cost. Wandoor is a semi urbanized village encircled by 14 Grama Panchayats. The population of this area had to depend upon Government medical institutions for treatment before this hospital came into existence, where there are limited facilities for treatment. For expert management of serious patients, people had to travel more than 80 Kms to reach any multi specialty hospital either in Calicut or Coimbatore.

In this juncture the Board of Directors decided to start a multi specialty hospital with all modern facilities. Consequently, this dream project is materialized in April 2005 and this institution named as ‘NIMS HOSPITAL’ and started functioning with the following aims and objectives : The hospital has total 300 Beds 265 –In patient & 35 Day care Beds. The In-Patient specialties are General Medicine, General Surgery and Gynecology. We also have an Urgent Care Centre incorporating a Local Injuries Unit and Medical Assessment Unit.
View Our FecilitiesOur Vision and Values
Based on our Mission Statement, our vision and values are to build a patient focused service. To possible such services, in a well-managed and appropriate environment we promote a culture ‘Care for Cure / Comfort’. Ensure that decisions regarding delivery of care/service are patient focused.
Our Mission
‘Light for Life’. We prefer to provide well treatment with affordable charges and utmost care to comfort patients.
From the desk of Managing Directors
Our Directors
With quality management we try to improve all our services. We focus on our patients not on profits. All our partners are giving more preference to ensure the quality treatment assured to all and they are in our quality improvement activities also. We take all reasonable steps to ensure that patients, visitors, staff and all others in contact with the Hospital are afforded the safest possible environment.

Dr. Fahad Ibnu Abdullah
Managing Director

VP. Muhammed Ali

N. Muhammed Najeeb

P. Kunhi Muhammed
Executive Director

N. Ahammed Kutty
Executive Director

Nazir Hussain Neelambra
Executive Director

Dr. Abdul Kareem
Founder & Director

KT. Abdul Muneer